Disclaimer: this article is a translation of the following one in French. English is not my mother tongue, so you can refer to the French version in case of incorrect wording. However comments that help me to correct mistakes are welcome.
The real nature of the relationship between a masseur and the receiver of the massage might raises frequent questions. This article answers those questions with a simple metaphor about the mirror. The article also highlights the principle of duality for a tantric massage
1 - The parable of the mirror
First, let's imagine a woman looking at his body in a large mirror. There is enough light and the person is able to move and look to herself as she wants. The mirror has here a total passive role.
Now, let's imagine the same person in a totally dark room. This time she is going to look at herself with the help of someone who hold a smaller mirror and a flashlight. This new person with the mirror has here an active role since he chooses the direction of the light, its intensity and the position of the mirror, close or distant. However, we are still in a situation of a person looking at her own body.
A tantric massage remains in the same logic. The receiver of the massage observe his body from inside. The masseur is a kind of mirror and the light is replaced by the touch, more or less intense. It is also the responsibility of the masseur to choose the area that are going to be observed.
So we are still in a situation of someone looking at his own body and the masseur acting as a facilitator.
There are however two important differences between a normal mirror and a massage being a sensual mirror.
The first one is that we use our eyes permanently and we do not need to get prepared for it. This is less the case of touch and we need to be prepared by lowering the stimuli of the other senses and focus the attention on the body.
The second difference is that the masseur will receive information on how the massage is received and he can adapt his touching to what he perceives. This is precisely the art of a good masseur to be as much as possible in line with the feelings of the receiver.
2 - The masseur duality
The situation described just above is precisely what we can call the duality of a tantric masseur: a masseur is at the same time incredibly present by his touching and his ability to perceive signals from the body, and he is away from the the relationship between the receiver and his own body.
The good perception of this duality is key to analyse and understand tantric massages.
First example: we can understand that some people could be reluctant to establish with a stranger a relationship which includes a strong intimate component ; this can be easily understood and the point is precisely that the relationship is not with the masseur but with oneself and the masseur is here just a tool.
Other example: it happens from time to time that, after a massage, a receiver develop some feelings for the masseur (or the masseuse), even sometime some kind of love feelings. It usually means that a deep work has been done and that the massage has reached some sensations that were either new or hidden. Naturally those sensations are going to be associated to the masseur and this is exactly where the receiver need to understand that these sensations are in fact coming from himself, from his own body and not from a special relationship with the masseur. This should be considered as a positive sign that the massage tantric should be continued.
Of course, away from the relationship does not mean lack of dialog. Time for discussions, before and after the massage are still key moments.
As a short summary
When one goes for a tantric massage, someone should tell himself: "Today, I have an appointment with my body" and not "I have an appointment with a masseur".
The moto of a masseur could be "Present as much as possible in the touch ; absent from the relationship of my client with his body"
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